Thursday, March 14, 2019

Choosing, Buying, and Safely Using A Good Surge Protector

electrician-North-Myrtle-Beach-300x200.jpgA lot of homeowners have more devices than the plugs on their walls, which is why they will most likely find a surge protector behind TVs and under their desks. However, surge protectors vary. There are some versions that may put your gadgets at great risk. Professional electricians have shared some tips to help you identify the good ones and how to use them safely. Power Strip Vs. Surge Protector The first thing you have to remember is that not all power strip is a surge protector. It might sound rudimentary but it is a critical piece of information that you need to know. Although a power strip will divide your outlet into several ports, a surge protector is made to protect your TV, computer, and other electronic devices from power surges as well as any noise or interference on your power line. Power surges might not be an everyday occurrence but they are common enough that they can cause damage to your electrical devices. Choose The Right Surge Protector When buying a surge protector, there are five major points that you have to consider. Purchase the right number of ports – do not simply assume that each surge protector have six or eight ports. There are some that have as many as 12 ports that are well spaced, allowing you to use every one of them. Purchasing the right number of ports can help ensure that you do not need to daisy chain the surge protector. Consider the gear to be plugged into the surge protector – carefully consider the things that you want to plug into the surge protector. You can pick the best one you can afford but you can save some money by purchasing a surge protector that is most suitable for the kind of equipment that will be plugged into it. For instance, you will need a more robust surge protector if what you want to plug into it are your TV and home entertainment. Check For UL seal – According to an expert electrician North Myrtle Beach, You also need to buy a surge protector that is certified by Underwriters’s Laboratories. It must at the very least meet the UL 1449 standards that is required for it to have the label transient voltage surge suppressor. This will help make sure that the surge protector you purchase and take home can really provide protection to all the equipment that will be plugged into it. Check The Absorption Rating and Clamping Voltage - The absorption rating is the amount of energy that your surge protector can absorb before it fails. You need to choose one that can handle at least 6-700 joules. The clamping voltage refers to the voltage that would trigger your surge protector or essentially whenever the surge protector begins to absorb energy. Choose one that is around 400 V or less. Check the warranty – there are some surge protectors that offer warranty the equipment plugged on it for certain damages in case a power surge won’t get through. Find out what is covered and what is not and how you can file a claim in case the surge protector fails.

Call NMB Electrician Pros for more information about surge protectors and more tips on how to keep your electrical system safe and fully function at all times.

NMB Electrician Pros North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 (843) 491-4489

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